Exclusive Bonus Content

Exclusive Bonus Content

Do you want more from the characters you love? You're not the only one!  Readers have asking for more for years and I finally found a way to safely post the steamy, adult bonus content so many requested. You can find the stuff that isn't suitable for underage eyes...

New Release – Demon Kept

New Release – Demon Kept

As with Demon Design and Demon Discord, this novella wasn't exactly planned.  I was plotting away at Demon Defeat, the final book on the Resurrection Chronicles, and an idea popped into my head.   Most of the time I can ignore them and stay focused.  It's so hard to...

Demon Fall is here!

Demon Fall is here!

Can you believe we're already on the ninth book in the Resurrection Chronicles?  How crazy is that?  It doesn't feel like the series has been around long enough for nine books.  But when I look at the 200+ names in the growing world bible for this series, I believe...

Another surprise!  Demon Discord is here!

Another surprise! Demon Discord is here!

If you've been following my posts, you know that Demon Fall is still on its way, and that these little side novellas serve a different purpose.   As with Demon Design, this special pop-up novella also does nothing to further the Resurrection Chronicles world-plot....

Surprise!  Demon Design is here!

Surprise! Demon Design is here!

If you're scratching your head and wondering if I changed the title of the next Resurrection book from Demon Fall to Demon Design, don't worry.  I didn't.  🙂 This is a special pop-up novella that does nothing to further the Resurrection Chronicles world-plot. So why...

Demon Disgrace – Cover Reveal

Demon Disgrace – Cover Reveal

Hannah and Merdon are finally ready to face the world!  Are you ready? Everyone lives a lie. It replays in my head, the moment of my greatest shame. I'll never escape it. With an exhale, I let go of everything. I fall endlessly, waiting for the sudden stop. Hell would...

Demon Dawn is here!

Demon Dawn is here!

Demon Dawn is here!  I loved having the opportunity to write about a character who'd endured so much in her young life.  Their family history really shaped Brenna into a level-headed survivor.  Are you ready to dive into Brenna and Thallirin's story? Brenna's...